Image Slider Block (h1 in description)

Default Container Width - Add a content block to area, it will sit restricted to the following width

Sample Heading All Content Centered by WYSIWYG

First paragraph after an H1 adopts this highlighted styling by default. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lacinia leo id leo congue, gravida volutpat dui congue. Morbi euismod ultricies condimentum. Integer molestie placerat ex vel dapibus. Donec urna augue, lobortis in turpis sit amet, volutpat viverra ligula.

Sed scelerisque finibus cursus. Vestibulum sed tincidunt ligula. Ut luctus lorem id elit dictum feugiat. Aliquam venenatis eleifend nisi at condimentum. Sed vehicula tempor orci at malesuada. Phasellus non diam sit amet nisi pretium suscipit ac non tortor. Vestibulum ornare risus ligula. Morbi in finibus urna. In imperdiet sapien est, at venenatis tortor iaculis a.

Full Width Padded Layout - Forces content to run full width of the screen but with padding at either edge. Use in conjunction with columns (6 & 4) to achieve common layouts

 - Add a layout to the main area, increase to 2 columns, the first being 6 sub-columns, the second being 4.
 - Once this is added, click on the Column 1 Tab and select Edit Layout Design
 - Using the cog icon to make display changes: In the Custom Classes box, choose 'Full Width Padded'
 - Further down in the popup, under the heading Block Container Class select 'Disable Grid Container' - Important as it allows the content to run across the page
 - Save these changes and you will have 2 areas matching design dimensions to add your content

Column one (6 sub columns)

Content block added here. Once added to the page and still in edit mode, click the block and select 'Design & Block Template' you can assign custom classes or templates to the content block to control how it displays. For example this one has class 'Block Blue'

Content Blocks...

Don't have to have a custom class assigned to them, by default just adding a content block will appear like this in a layout as standard content where all normal content types and formatting can be added via the wysiwyg controls, such as bold text, italics, underlines etc. This content block is within the same column as the blue block above but because its a separate block and has no custom classes assigned to it, it displays differently.

Unordered lists:

  • List item
  • List item
  • List item
  • List item

Ordered Lists

  1. List item
  2. List item
  3. List item
  4. List item


Column one (4 sub columns)

Content block added here. Once added to the page and still in edit mode, click the block and select 'Design & Block Template' you can assign custom classes or templates to the content block to control how it displays. For example this one has class 'Block Blue'.

Full Width Block - Third common layout where the content runs to the edge of the screen but without the additional padding to move it in slightly.

 - Add a layout to the main area, IMPORTANT: This must be 1 column and works by 2 classes working together 
 - Once this is added, click on the Column 1 Tab and select Edit Layout Design
 - Using the cog icon to make display changes: In the Custom Classes box, choose 'Full Width Blocks and then one of two blocks, three blocks or four blocks
 - Further down in the popup, under the heading Block Container Class select 'Disable Grid Container' - Important as it allows the content to run across the page
 - You can then add blocks to this layout one by one next to each other and they will arrange themselves across the page.
 - Commonly in designs, content, image, faq blocks and the global contact form stack are added in these layouts.

While in edit mode, the layout wont appear correctly, but once published the styling will take effect.

See the following layouts as a demo of how this displays

Two Block Layout

Content block with class 'block grey'

Two Block Layout

Content block with class 'block grey'

Three Block Layout

Content block with class 'block orange'

Three Block Layout

Content block with class 'block orange'

Three Block Layout

Content block with class 'block orange'

Four Block Layout

Content block with class 'block purple'

Four Block Layout

Content block with class 'block purple'

Four Block Layout

Content block with class 'block purple'

Four Block Layout

Content block with class 'block purple'

Common Block Types

Below is a layout as above with some commonly used block types:

  • Content (Class 'block-blue') - Note that you can use 'block-white' to display a content block like this with no background, but with the spacing applied to it as one of the coloured blocks
  • Image 
  • FAQ block (Custom template 'accordion')
  • Content with quote (as seen on Partners page) - In order to manage this, the steps to recreate are a little more complicated. Add content block with classes 'block-orange' (could also be blue/purple) and 'centered-quote'. In the content, add a Heading 2. Highlight the heading text and from the Styles dropdown, select 'Heading Strapline'. The paragraph added after this will then appear as a strapline, positioned close to the heading. The next element must be a blockquote (use the quote icon to apply to the piece of content you want to appear as a quote)

Content Block

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lacinia leo id leo congue, gravida volutpat dui congue. Morbi euismod ultricies condimentum. Integer molestie placerat ex vel dapibus. Donec urna augue, lobortis in turpis sit amet, volutpat viverra ligula. Sed scelerisque finibus cursus. Vestibulum sed tincidunt ligula. Ut luctus lorem id elit dictum feugiat.

Question One

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur lacinia leo id leo congue, gravida volutpat dui congue. Morbi euismod ultricies condimentum. Integer molestie placerat ex vel dapibus. Donec urna augue, lobortis in turpis sit amet, volutpat viverra ligula. Sed scelerisque finibus cursus. Vestibulum sed tincidunt ligula. Ut luctus lorem id elit dictum feugiat.

Question Two

Sed vehicula tempor orci at malesuada. Phasellus non diam sit amet nisi pretium suscipit ac non tortor. Vestibulum ornare risus ligula. Morbi in finibus urna. In imperdiet sapien est, at venenatis tortor iaculis a. Nullam bibendum malesuada turpis eget dictum. Aliquam eget mollis ante. Vivamus porta tortor ut lorem tincidunt maximus.

Question Three

Sed vehicula tempor orci at malesuada. Phasellus non diam sit amet nisi pretium suscipit ac non tortor. Vestibulum ornare risus ligula. Morbi in finibus urna. In imperdiet sapien est, at venenatis tortor iaculis a. Nullam bibendum malesuada turpis eget dictum. Aliquam eget mollis ante. Vivamus porta tortor ut lorem tincidunt maximus.

Heading Strapline

Strapline Text

Sed vehicula tempor orci at malesuada. Phasellus non diam sit amet nisi pretium suscipit ac non tortor. Vestibulum ornare risus ligula. Morbi in finibus urna. In imperdiet sapien est, at venenatis tortor iaculis a. Nullam bibendum malesuada turpis eget dictum.

Common Page Lists

Used to display lists of pages in different ways. The default display is shown below inthe larger column using case studies. If this block is added to a column of size 4 sub columns (as is standard on this site for 2 column layouts), the default display re-works itself as shown below. The same block has been added in both instances.

There are many page list templates available but most of these wont be used often going forward as they are already added to the site in their respective locations (eg blog, people etc).

In the second layout below there are 2 more commonly used templates: 'In-Page Service Blocks' (as seen on the Clients page) & 'Text List' (Often used in the smaller of a 2 column layout). Again, this is the same block added twice, with slightly different configuration options and custom templates applied.

Note that for page lists to display as desired, pages will need to be correctly populated with thumbnails & descriptions.

Default Page List

Default Page List

Beth's 5 year Anniversary
Our amazing Head of Operations has been at Interlink for five years! We asked her all about her time here and what she has learnt.

In-Page Service Blocks

In-Page Service Blocks