The legal and recruitment sectors are constantly evolving. We want to make sure you are kept up to date on the latest news and updates that could impact your career and how you manage it.
Check out our blog regularly for the latest updates on what's happening in the sector.
A consultancy path is one that allows for greater freedom in your law career. Here's what it involves.
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Siobhan Murray, who acts as Managing Consultant (Southern GB), shares the ins-and-outs of her role and what it takes to be successful in legal recruitment.
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Your network is vital to successful recruitment. Here's why and here's how you can grow yours.
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NQ salaries in the UK's regions have never been as high as they are now. Can all law firms keep up?
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The title 'Space Lawyer' sounds silly today but it may soon be a sought-after practice across the galaxy. Marketing Consultant Rona McCann explores what they do, how to become one and their role in the future.
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Moving firms is a big decision and can end up being a huge, stressful process if you start the adventure on your own. Here's how legal consultancy can help you.
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How accurate are these dramatised versions and what is the impact of the public having a warped perception of what Lawyers do? We investigate.
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